Harry's plate


ESSEX 1931
Harry took drivinglicence at this car, an Essex from 1931, gift from uncle Edward at my 18 years birthday February 14, 1932. The drivinglicence issue February 20, 1932

Ford V8 1933 years modell <---Here is my father, Harry Högberg, in front of a Ford V8, 1933 years model.
Austin 1936 years model

And this is an Austin from 1936-->

The same Ford V8 but with the convertible up The same Ford V8 but with the convertible up

You must agree the cars was beautiful at this time!

On the way from Stockholm to Eskilstuna, a long trip at that time. From left to right my brother Leif and my dad Harry with me, Tommy, carry me at the arm.

The car is a Wandereer from 1939.

Wanderer 1939 years model

Here is my mother and my brother Leif, of course me too, but I am so little... Chevrolet 1939 years modelChevrolet 1939 years model
The car is a Chevrolet from 1939

Packard 1937 years model A Packard from 1937 and we traveling at the road called "Södertäljevägen" wich was gravel surface at that time!

The picture must be from the beginning of 50th.

A Fiat from 1939.

We are on the way from Stockholm to Gnesta and you can se, from left, my mother, my brother Leif and my aunt Ingeborg.

Fiat 1939 years model

A travelling to Dalarna from Stockholm, gravel surface! At the picture, from left to right, my brother Leif mamma Ruth and myself which not can stand on my legs!...            Austin 1939---> Austin 1939 years model

DKW, one of many car that our dad Harry has. The car has no "backwindows" but the carpenter fix it..

The left picture from left, my brother Leif, mamma Ruth and our dad Harry.

Read more about DKW 1939

Our dad Harry likes car..., I don't know which car this is, anybody know?

My dad Harry on a Rex 500ccMy dad Harry Högberg on the "Leksandsbron" with a Rex 500 cc with overhead-valve engine and with the low registration number B 92!

 The picture was taken 1934.
Rex 500ccAfter all, it begans with motor-cycles in Harry's life, do you want to see the motor-cycles go to: Harry's Motor-cycles

WebmasterChristmas candleTommy Högberg
Created: June 17, 2001  12:53 AM

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