Utkiksbacken 21 was a nice house, at that time, we lived in a
room and kitchen with wood stove and tiled stove in the living
room. Toilet was in the yard and it was well there in winter but
it worked! The entrance was beautiful at that time,
1940-1950, but after that has undergone many changes but
maintained its old-fashioned fine charm. These photos were
taken in July 1978.
Current entrance to Utkiksbacken 21 on September 23, 2010
The nice stairwell Utkiksbacken 21 on September 23, 2010
Göran Zettergren has managed to preserve the cash book from 1943
onwards, here we see what. The family Harry Högberg paid in rent 6
November 1950, the last one for late but late we moved to Västertorp
in December 1950. If you get the cursor over the picture then get
you see what we paid in rent April 3, 1943, identical the same rent,
odd ! In the cashbook you also read, Mrs
C. Lindskog that's my aunt Ceris Lindskog!
On the left picture I am, on an AJS 350cc. On the right picture is my dad Harry Högberg and I up on the mountain at Utkiksbacken.
Left picture is taken in 1946.
In the left-hand picture, it is one of the neighbors, "the spätarna" Agneta Alenby (born Zettergren)
and Wera Zettergren at a Royal Enfield.
On the right picture our neighbors are sitting with a coffee bar, from left: Agneta, Sven, Hilda, Wera Zettergren, unknown and Ragnhild Persson.
The pictures are from 1955, which Göran Zettergren has contributed
An image from Agneta's photo
album that Göran Zettergren has scanned in, in the back row from the
left, my brother Leif Högberg is sitting, at the front two from the
right I sit Tommy Högberg and on my right side the album owner Agneta
Alenby (born Zettergren).
Do you recognize yourself in the picture email
me! Tommy Högberg
Agneta Alenby
(born Zettergren) and Tommy Högberg on her right side looking shyly ...
On this picture you can discern the famous "Löken" which sits on a house that is at the top of the Utkiksbacken in the left side of the picture. The right picture is
asphalt yes so we called that place sooner, why it can be wondering because all roads are now asphalted but say it was not that time without Utkiksbacken was gravel road but nowadays asphalt there too and in the picture my old
Volvo 142, 1972 year's model, time passes .. |
All old houses no longer exist, but it seems to be as idyllic today November 2008 as it was in the 40s despite many houses being demolished or modernized, so there is at least the famous "Löken" left (!) ..
Earlier on the asphalt we were able to kick ball m.m a really nicely planned playground, well it may well be mentioned that there were not very many cars at that time, the bread truck came once a day, child-friendly / car-free (!)
I went by in 2001 an early Sunday morning and took a new picture of "Löken", the picture to
the left, the house just gets more beautiful and beautiful over the years! Some houses never age but just get younger to younger and more inside ... The houses to the right that still remain on Sjöbjörnsvägen are lovingly renovated over the years and very well preserved! |
The house on the Utkiksbacken called "The
onion" picture is from 2010
Old well-preserved houses on Utkiksbacken in Gröndal, the picture is from 2010
Old well-preserved houses on Utkiksbacken in Gröndal, the picture is from 2010
Old well-preserved houses on Utkiksbacken in Gröndal, the picture is from 2010
The lookout hill in Gröndal, the picture is from 2010
Zettergren has his own website about Gröndal,
click the picture or the text. |
Webmaster Tommy
Created: 25/06/1996 23:59

So many have found my website
since it was created August 3, 1996
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